Last night we went to the Kirchweih beer tent in Augsburg. Cody and I finished our Masses with smiles.
Then today we went on a tour of Augsburg led by Rolf and Hermann. Here we are posing with a gorgeous lady-gnome.
This is a Holbein (one of four) in the Augsburg Cathedral.
more Annakirche
the Goldener Saal in the Rathaus (City Hall) - Why doesn't Byron's new million dollar capital building look like this?
And the last thing we saw on our tour was the Fuggerei, which was the very first "social settlement" in the world. It was built by Jakob Fugger the Rich in the early 1500s to help out the poor. It runs on the same principals today: If you're a Catholic Augsburger who's suddenly fallen into poverty (by no fault of your own), you could live here for €1 per year!
Afterwards we went to visit Sir Walter at his home. He turns 90 at the end of August! It was very nice to see him again.
Tomorrow Cody and I fly to Croatia at 11:30am! I'm very excited, but it's also sad to have to leave the Egenbergers. They have been (as always) spectacular hosts :)
PS - Und Max Haase, falls du dies noch liest, bitte schicke mir eine Mail (, damit wir uns wieder in Verbindung setzen können!
Augsburg is a beautiful city - with some very wonderful relatives!
Thanks for posting again. Have a blast in Croatia!
That is great that you got to see the Fuggerei; I remember Rolf and Hermann talking about that and I thought it sounded really interesting.
Better yet, I am so glad you got to see Walter again.
He is pretty special!
It is sad that this is your last time to see the wonderful Egenberger clan there.
Now on to Croatia - wow, I am jealous about that! Have a great flight and hopefully you will have internet access there so we can "see" the sites along with you and Cody.
much love!
Hi Colin and Cody! The travelin' twosome. We truly missed you at the reunion Colin. Hannah, Annal's friend, was a cutie, clever and entertaining; it was good to have her there.
Your folks were so generous to me, the neat room to sleep in and lots of good food at the table. It was all very special...but we are all happy to be home I think.
Glad you got to Augsburg again, and had another tour, this time with Cody along. Your posts are always fun, Colin...and I think we are all learning from them also.
Enjoy Croatia, if you can blog that would be great; otherwise we'll learn about it later. Much love, from Gr Pat
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