But on a more serious note, I just got back from Dubrovnik! Here is a summary of Cody and my travels:
To get from Split to Dubrovnik we had to take a bus. It was so slow that it took over 6 hours! And it was bumpy as heck since we were going through mountains the entire time.
We stopped for a break in Bosnia. It looked basically like Croatia.
Our second day in Dubrovnik (the first we just wandered the neighborhoods around our hostel) we went to the old city (Stari grad, cf. Russian Stary gorod or Старый город). It was really beautiful, but also hot (90s)!
Dubrovnik harbor
We climbed the city walls and walked around all of the entire Stari grad.
view of Dubrovnik from the city walls
Inside the city walls we went to an aquarium that had flying fish! That's the first time I've seen live flying fish up-close (at the distance I saw them in the everglades, it doesn't count).
This tortoise apparently lived in our hostel's courtyard.
The next day we went back to the old city, saw a museum of Balkan icons, several churches and stuck our feet in the Mediterranean (freezing!).
We went into this really pretty monastery inside the city walls. It was really pretty and had this shockingly modern chapel.
In the evening we went to this place called Heidi Fast Food and got cheeseburgers that were literally the size of frying pans. And they were good! Those and burek (I had more than several of these) are officially my favorite Croatian dishes.
And now I'm back in Constance. We flew TUIfly, which made me nervous, because I thought it was going to be one of those awful cheap airlines, but it was actually completely decent. Croatia was fun, adventurous and new. It was quite Western, but not quite first-world (a lot of things I've grown to expect I think shocked Cody - "accommodations gypsies", a rooster that lived next door to our hostel, naked and near-naked people on the beach - some peeing). It wasn't as cheap as I'd hoped, but I still had a great time and experienced a lot!
It all looks so beautiful. Someday Paul, Annaliese, and I will have to go there (you can be our guide!) I am so glad you and Cody got to both Split and Dubrovnik, as well as a quick tour through Bosnia en route.
What is a burak?
We will see you in four days, can't wait. I am sure the last few days in Konstanz will be bittersweet for you.
Glad you are both safe and healthy. love you!
Hi Colin, on another Sunday evening here in San Diego. Perfect weather (we like to write that to people), and all is well. I see you'll be back home in FOUR DAYS! Bet you'll be surprised, confused, mixed-up, etc. After all those countries you have "bummed around" in, home will still be the best. You and Cody stay well, rest up on the flights home, and WELCOME BACK. Thanks again for all these months of great blogging! Love, Gr Pat
Wow - what a trip! So you finally got to Dubrovnik - and are picking up yet another language to boot! Anyway - who need vowels? They are overrated!
Can't wait to see you on Wednesday!!!
Yeah, I guess you'll be home on Wednesday!!! One day earlier than I thought!
What is Croatian like? What languages are similar?
see you soon and love you very much!
What a picturesque area! Just lovely!
I think the buraks look tasty!
You world traveler you! The blog has been great. So many interesting places and lifestyles. Even natives peeing at the beach! Bureks do look tasty.
I agree vowels are overated...egnbrgr is much faster to type. Ha!
Wish you could have flown back for the reunion. I have to wait til next summer to see a slideshow and hear all of the details of your adventures.
Welcome back to the states!
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