The weather was perfect, and the view was really nice.
Each country got its own table or section of a table. The USA tied with the Czech Republic for most participants, so we helped fill out Canada's table, too.
the Alps
more of Lake Constance (I like the distance in this photo.)
Well, that's basically all I've done recently, other than study and write papers (I have two due next week), but I thought I'd fill out this post with a little more on German culture.
So this is my yogurt I bought a few days ago. It's delicious. German yogurt is so much better than American yogurt. But that's not why I posted a picture of it. How much of it can you read? Probably about 70% without any knowledge of German. That's because they love to use English. Here you can see, for example, "collect" instead of sammeln and "family" instead of Familie (even though they share the same Latin root).
Other "Anglizismen" (Anglicisms) that I've heard include der Deal (the deal), Late-Comers, gecheckt (past participle of checken, to check), sorry (nearly everyone says this instead of the cumbersome Entschuldigung, which itself is often shortened to 'Tschuldigung), and call mich an (call me up, although they pronounce call like "coal").
And two pieces of good news from Sonnenbühl Ost: No, I don't have internet (I'm in the library again), but the shower has gotten significantly better! First off, we have a new curtain. It's not hanging on by one clip, and it has no mold! Secondly, someone (not I) came up with the brilliant idea to use a spook to correct the shower head's range of spray. Now I can shower like a normal person. (A funny side note is that the Vietnamese guy in my house uses a chopstick instead of the spoon - I swear to God!)
Well, I should get back to writing that Hausarbeit. To all of my maternal relatives: have a great time at the lake! Wish I could be there, but I've got school stuff, you know ;)
Way to help out the Canadians! Your time over there has sounded andn looked so cool. I wish I could see what you've seen this semester......wait, I WILL!!! HAHAHAHA. See you in a few days!
Good morning!
I love the spoon shower and the new, no-mold shower curtain.
Just before you get ready to depart, right?
The boat ride on Lake Constance looks lovely.
Best wishes on those last exams and papers.
See you in less than three weeks!
We'll be thinking of you at the lake.
love you
Maybe we'll set up a blog for the week so you can partake of the reunion virtually - since you've been so nice as to provide for our vicarious enjoyment of your semester abroad! We leave for the lake tomorrow - can't wait - its so relaxing. Altho I will really miss our morning canoe rides!
Mom and I are boarding our plane in just a few hours!!!
Whoopee! Vacation!
I like Paul's idea of a reunion blog! I sure have enjoyed yours!
Colin - I too have really enjoyed your blog and the pictures although I haven't posted. What a wonderful experience! We are fine -- enjoying a half-way decent summer in St. Louis although very wet. Nicole and Sean are expecting their little boy in 2 weeks - yeah! Good luck with the finals and safe travels! What wonderful memories!
Aunt Eunice
I am a great grandma! Conor Patrick came a llittle early - on Thurs. I have already seen his picture (Krista sent them e-mail) He was 8 lbs 4oz. A nice healthy size.
Also I'm moving (again?) Just down a flight of stairs. I had a flood in my apt. and the bedroom carpet has to be replaced so since i would be moved around for that, I decided to move to a newly redecorated apt.I'm about 3/4 done.
As always, loved your pictures, especially the shower one. Lots of love, Grandma Mary
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