So I realize most people probably don't read my blog once a day, but this is the best way I could think of to play catch-up with my trip. So as I mentioned in my last blog, each stint of the "Reise" will get one post. Today I'm posting about my trip thru Frankfurt and Bacharach.
We were only in Stuttgart for one day, unfortunately. We spent the next afternoon in Frankfurt. We stored our luggage in some lockers at the train station for €4,00.
We went up this tower to get a view of the city. It cost about €3,50. Frankfurt isn't very pretty. Although it was kind of cool and surreal to be up so high, it certainly wasn't worth the money. I give it *.
For my schweester! HA!
Then we went to the Goethehaus, where Goethe apparently was born. There's even a "so-called birth room". This is Amelia at a so-called desk. She's being inspired thru osmosis. I can't wait to read her next Goethe-esque novel. Entrance cost a bit over €4.
I took a seminar on Goethe's Faust, and last semester I read The Sorrows of a Young Werther, so I was pretty excited to see this so-called plaque!
Then we went to Bacharach. This city is undoubtedly my favorite stop so far. It's small and basically unknown, but it's beautiful! It's near Cologne (or if you're really good with German topography, only about a half hour train ride from Koblenz).
We stayed in a castle up way on top of this mountain/hill! It was a 20-minute walk up steps with my massive amount of luggage!
gorgeous church/memorial to the Jews on the way up to the castle
The next day Amelia and I hiked up to the top of another mountain. This is on the way up. I like the lines, but you can also see a butterfly on one of the logs. Oh, also the weather was spectacular! Probably about high 70s, but windy enough that it was never hot.
me and my view
That's the Rhine down there, and that itty-bitty town is Bacharach.
We would never have known about Bacharach except that Chrissy had stayed here with a class trip in high school. Three cheers for Chrissy!
blossoms, because it's Spring here!
After sitting up on top of the mountain for hours, Amelia and I decided we had to go down, otherwise we'd explode from exposure to too much beauty.
It was a steep hike down, with not too many steps or handrails. It was also thru a mass of vineyards. (Bacharach gets its name from Bacchus, Roman god of wine.)
And since the region is so well known for its wine, we decided it would be remiss not to partake in a local wine-tasting. It was around €4/person and well worth it. I love wine. I give it a ****: not quite a fiver, because most of the wine was white.
On the hike back up to the castle, we passed a goat farm. (That's Chrissy on the left, not a blond goat.)
view from our castle/hostel the day we left
So as I mentioned about a hundred times, yes we stayed in a castle. It was awesome (except for the heinous trekk up the mountain). It was also really cheap, at about €18-19 a night. It also came with a free all-you-can-eat breakfast. You could also purchase an all-you-can-eat dinner for €6. And on the way down we took a cab. It cost €8. If you can split that up several ways like we could, it is definitely worth it! I give the hostel (Hostel Stahleck) ***** - that's right, five stars!
So what do you have to look forward to in my next post? My travels around Germany continue as I visit the northern cities of Hamburg and Kiel!
Wow, what a spectacular view from the top of the mountain at Bacharach. I had never heard of Bacharach before your trip!
Beautiful photos!
Actually, Colin, I think many of us do read your blogs daily.
We are pathetic.
I have no interesting news.
Corrected papers this weekend (my that is unusual, right?)
Annaliese got back from KC this afternoon. She got to sit by gangsters who kept talking about their guns on the bus.
I am excited to hear more about Berlin and your other adventures.
Love ya!
What - no picture of the castle? I did check it out on the web and it looks fantastic!
I am very glad (and jealous) that you are able to take such a fascinating trip around Germany.
Gma Mary comes on Wednesday night to see the Drs on Thursday - but no chemo this time! Her oncologist set her up with a neurologist to make sure that there are no underlying causes to her leg numbness other than a reaction to the chemo.
Your pictures are great!
Your blog is great!
(And I do check it multiple times a day until I see that you have posted...)
Have lotsa fun in Berlin!
Hi - What a trip you are having! Thanks for sharing it. It's my only chance to see Germany. Your pictures are wonderful.
As your Dad said I will be going to your house again this week. It is so weird to go there and know you are so far away. I'm feeling much better, even getting out! I went to a musical by the high school on Fri night. My doctor took me! His daughter had a leading part and he wanted me to see her. and I went to church this morning, the first time since Nov.
It is so good to be out and about again.
Much love Grandma Mary
hahaha.. thanks for that beautiful picture! :)
And thank you very much for making it clear that Amelia wasn't actually a goat.
It all looks so spectacular!! JEALOUS SISTER
I love you Mom is a freak
Actually Colin made it clear that Chrissy wasn't a goat... but who's counting. ;-)
Am enjoying your trip- the pics are wonderful- loved the Bear.
Ouch! I don't think my knee would like that steep hill! It doesn't appreciate DOWN anymore.
(It would enjoy the wine however).
To think I spent as much time as I did in Cologne, and never got to Bacharach. (never heard of it) Looks idyllic. Stayed in a castle! Too cool. I agree with Teri, that is one steeeeeep hill. Oh man, I don't think I would attempt that right now. With luggage? No way....
Germany is known for it's white wines (and of course, it's beer!) I bet you got some good ones in.
Spring here, too! My cherry trees are getting there. They will be full in a day or two!
Keep posting! Fun blog, Colin!
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