But on to the more interesting stuff.
After Berlin we traveled to Leipzig. This was possibly my favorite city. It's hard to say, tho, because Germany in general is so freaking awesome.
First thing we did when we got there was to buy a day pass for the buses. It cost €11. IDIOT idea. Leipzig is so small that you just walk everywhere. Plus it's so pretty that you should even if it were big.
Next up was the Nikolai Kirche (above). It was where the East Germans first started plotting their democratic rebellion. Entrance was free. ***
Then we went to the cathedral where Bach used to play and is buried. Above is a photo of his organ! (free entrance, again) ***
just kind of a cool shot (of Leipzig)
After that we walked to the Stasi Museum. The museum was pretty sweet. It was an outpost that was kept basically the same as it was during the GDR period. ***
then my favorite part! THE ZOO
The Leipzig Zoo is amazing. It cost, I think, €7 for entrance (I'm not positive), but it rocked hard core. Some of the animals (for example, the above monkey) were freilaufend, meaning they could wander around wherever they wanted. This monkey walked right by us.
And the best part of the zoo was the great ape exhibits. This was unlike anything I'd ever seen. We actually went to the zoo for this reason, because I was reading this book called The First Word, on the origin of language, and it mentioned several times the linguistic research on apes done at the Leipzig Zoo. *****
The apes have free roam between an outside area (pictured above) and an inside enclosure (below).
Here's a bonobo using a tool (a twig to dig out insects)! And just a few decades ago no one thought animals could use tools!
Nota bene, it's not just apes and monkeys at the zoo, tho. They're just what particularly interested me.
next up: Dresden
me being stupid (surprise) at our hostel in Dresden
We stayed at another A+O. This time it was a lot nicer of a room, but the roommate was crappy. He snored like no other. It was like an earthquake. Plus he went to bed at 8:30 and got up (loudly) at 7. Other than that, it was pretty nice, we had our own bathroom, and it cost only €13/bed. ****
We walked around the city. Again, you have no need for the bus.
Dreden is beautiful.
This is where I ate lunch.
Then we went to the botanical gardens at the university there. Apparently they're famous. They're really cool. Chrissy thought it might rain when we went into the Tropenhaus, but it didn't.
I have no idea what this is, but I thought it looked cool.
Oh yeah, botanical gardens=cool and free. ****
And what better proof that Dresden is sweet than the fact that it has an IBIS!
Tomorrow I'll post about Paris. Bis bald, alle!
FIRST!!! I can't believe it. I'm on Pacific time!
The Orangs are my zoo favorites - so much personality! They also use twigs and haggle over food.
I would LOVE the FREE botanical gardens! I'd like to see a larger image of that interesting plant!
It was worth the wait - nice post! The zoo looked fantastic! Did you get to see their ape research place at all? I'm curious if they were anything like the Great Apes Trust in Des Moines. I've never been at a zoo where monkeys just walked by you - that must be pretty cool!
Dresden looks beautiful too! Amazing that it could be rebuilt like that...
I was surprised at Dresden, too. I did not expect to see what looks like old architecture. They have done a remarkable job or rebuilding, obviously.
Leipzig looked beautiful, too!
Quite a trip Colin! Keep posting when you can.
Nice post, everything looks so cool over there! I like the pic of the Stasi Museum, it reminds me of my dorm room from last year! Check your facebook when you get a chance, sent you a message.
Hey great to hear from you, beautiful photos.
You are certainly getting around.
The botanical gardens look beautiful - when I saw that flower I thought, "Teri would know what that is!"
Do you have a close-up for Teri so she can perhaps identify that flower?
The zoo in Leipzig sounds amazing. Did you see the research facilities? Is the book you were reading the one we got you right before you left home? If so, how fortuitous! Wonderful to find out about it sort of coincidentally, then get to go there.
How were your classes today? We thought about you a lot yesterday, knowing you were en route from Paris to Konstanz, and that your university courses began today.
I hope you enjoyed them.
Yes Dresden photos were surprising, are those new structures or were they rebuilt from previous structures? It still looks old, but that is amazing they could rebuild like that.
Can't wait to see Paris photos!
love you
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