So before I upload my pictures of beautiful Constance, I just wanted to inform you of my three pieces of quality news:
1) I had my first Arabic class today. I went to the intro course, and the professor told me I should be in the second highest level of Arabic! Then I visited this course, and I'm at least as good as everyone else (if not a little better than average).
2) I got elected to an executive position in Alpha Phi Omega again for next year.
3) One of my paintings ("Annaliese") was chosen to be on this year's cover of St. Olaf's The Reed magazine!
Alright, now the boring stuff is out of the way.
the strangest looking university ever
see above
view from my room in Sonnenbühl Ost
It's actually pretty, but I still have no internet.
Lake Constance and the Alps in the background
Everything's blooming here. This is Sonnenbühl Ost again.
Now this is funny. First off rauchfrei means "no smoking," so no one smokes inside the buildings, just right outside every exit. Then the massive German word Studiengebührenboykott means they're boycotting tuition. Thus far higher education here in Constance is free, but now they're thinking about making it €500/semester. Okay, so €500 sounds like a pittance compared to the leviathan cost of American college, but I agree: Boycott the increase before it gets out of hand like it has for us!
Have I mentioned this university is obscene?
The walk to the U from Sonnenbühl Ost takes about 20 minutes and cuts through these gorgeous natural lands. There are loads of birds, butterflies, people walking their dogs, etc. It's a very nice way to start the day.
So you are going to university in Disneyland?
I am the most jealous of the gorgeous weather you are having! It is still very crappy here - 32 degrees this morning!
I think your evening photo of the lake and the mountains is spectacular!
Congrats again about the REED! I've been teasing Anna that she is a covergirl now... What does the sign by the pond say?
Interesting - in trying to answer my own question, I cam up with the following results for "das futtern von enten, moven und krahen ist verboten"
Free trans online:
this scoff from enten, moven and krahen is forbade
Babel Fish: (and
futtern of ducks, moven and krahen is forbidden
that feed of ducks, moven and squawked is forbidden
the feeding of ducks, and moven crow is prohibited
Good morning and congratulations on all the great news!
You sound wonderful.
So your Arabic is a bit better than you thought, too! that must make you feel good.
Well it is not blooming here.
Your photos look so pretty. I am jealous.
No internet still...
I will try to get ahold of some copies of The Reed.
Do your profs know you will be gone again soon?
Did it matter that you were gone last week?
love you!
I love those translations, Paul!!!
I like the 20 minute wooded walk in the morning!
Your pics are awesome, I can't wait to get over there! I got your email a little bit ago, those crazy Gerogians!
Does look a bit like Disneyland...
Congrats on your Arabic! And the cover of REED!
Annaliese as a covergirl!
Well, Minnesota may be covered in never-ending snow, but we have hit the 80's a few times already. The cherry blossoms are already down, but the azaleas, etc are all in bloom here!
Free college, huh? And to think of how much debt I accumulated during college... why, I may not have had to live in the car that summer... they don't know what they are missing...
Thanks for posting- great pics (again)!
hey I love the translations too Paul. Maybe you could leave IBM and work as a translator!
Since it is past 9 pm here I'm the behinder again, but loved your blog Colin. As someone else said, the photo of Lake K, Alps in backgr and that MOON! All those blossoms look more like Karl's area, very pretty.
Am really impressed that your Arabic is that far along; you haven't had the chances to use it, have you? Remarkable!
Fun that your painting of Annal will be on the cover. We'll all need copies of that issue!!!!
Paul, you surely gave your all on those translations, but am not sure you ended up with what it means?
Our VERY HOT temps for 3 days are now right back where they should be, high of 77 or so. My temp here yesterday was 100 deg. Hotter than any of the rest of the summer will be, I think. Love and thanks for the great blog, Gr Pat
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