Freiburger Münster (Cathedral of Freiburg)
I went on the German language tour (there was also an English one). The tour guide was nice, but very bad. She always talked insanely quietly, so no one could hear her. Then after she was done talking she would yell at us to catch up with her. Then when we actually got somewhere, we'd have to wait like a year and a half for her to start whispering again.
While we were in the Münster, they were having Youth Days or something, so there were a bunch of teenagers singing and leading service. The singing was terrifyingly bad.
So it was really loud in the cathedral, but our tour guide still wouldn't speak up. She did complain a bunch about how the children were ruining the Münster atmosphere.
This is inside a different church. It's Franciscan. I took this photo for you, mom - check out the icons.
We ate lunch at the Mensa in the University of Freiburg. It was a huge meal. This university, by the way, was founded before Columbus landed in America!
magnolias, apparently
They were having the weekly farmers' market on the Münsterplatz. That was a lot of fun. We got to wander around. I had gelato (€0,70!).
Rathaus (town hall), farmers' market (you can see an umbrella), fountain, and Münster
street musicians (I like this photo a lot. The guy with the head scarf or whatever reminds me of a Dürer painting. Or maybe a Vermeer.)
photo of Erika and me
This is what the sidewalk in Freiburg looks like. Seriously, all over!
Do any of you remember the movie Miss Potter?
advertisements on the Münster
Three of us went back to see if the Münster had cleared out a bit.
It hadn't. Now they were having mass. Bad English cracks me up (and reminds me of my German).
last one - me in front of the Münster
This is number 6 in a series of about a dozen failed photos.
Wow, beautiful photos Colin. And it seems relatively warm, or at least sunny, and you even hit a farmer's market. The cathedral looks beautiful and that Franciscan church is gorgeous. What a nice way to spend a weekend!
We got my computer back from the Genius Bar yesterday (how many times have we been there recently? Hmmmm). They could not find hard drive problems, so now we are back to trying to figure out if I have corrupted files and what to do about it.
I would rather be visiting cathedrals.
Well, we can do so vicariously through your photos.
thanks for posting!
love ya
Great photos! So is Freiburg the German Venice? I noticed a canal in one of the photos. Did your guide whisper what the numbers in the ceiling of the Munster (how do you get that umlaut?) were all about? Also, do you know what the street musician was playing? It looks like a hammer dulcimer - not something I would expect to see in Germany...
Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful adventure!
Haven't heard from Anna yet - bet she is having a wonderful adventure as well... just wish she would share some of it too!
I really do love all of your photos. And your narratives- they crack me up. I really like the sun in the magnolias picture, and for some reason, I am crazy about the photo from your previous post with the pile of wood. It's such a cool photo.
I was thrilled to see my postcard on the wall in your room!
We all miss you back at Olaf, but it's so nice to know that you're having such a great time!
Great set of photos, Colin! Glad you included a couple with you in them, too! I love the photo of the sidewalks. It reminds me of a series of photos by Henri Cartier-Bresson, one of my favorite photographers.
Thanks for the great pictures. Has spring come to Germany? Maagnolias and people without coats in the market. I'm ready for spring to come here - it's been a LONG winter.
Love, Grandma Mary
Hi Colin! Thanks again for marvelous photos. Cathedrals are beautiful, I love that dark wood and how they have carved unusual spirals. Just think,some built before Columbus got us all going over here.
Catherine, I'm so sorry about your comp; hope it can be fixed, soon....
Palm Sunday and a BIG day at church, with the whole passion being read, etc. All this week is a busy time at churches all over.
We sing again Holy Thurs eve, and again Easter of course.
San Diego had windy, chilly, cloudy weather the past two days. Well, some sunshine too, but not normal.
And, as Teri mentioned, HAIL!
A good friend, Barb Garvin, came over this afternoon and we worked on my classical music to arrange it into my program for April, second Monday of month. Got a lot done, which relieves me, as there is too much coming up in the next two wks.
Catherine, I'm surely using some of the music you have sent me, thanks!
Love to Colin and Annaliese, and to their very GOOD parents, Grandma Pat
In re reading other people's remarks, I can certainly see I am blathering on tooo long. I'll edit my next one, promise! Grandma Pat
I like the photos with you in them as well!
I'm surprised that magnolias grow in such a cold climate! I wonder if those PINK magnolias are hardier than our white ones???
Paul: in the olden days, one could use ASCII for all of those foreign letters. I loved it! Now my email won't accept it. Hold down the ALT key and type 129 on the numerical keys - should be an u-umlaut - ü - YUP! It worked!
Hi Colin! Here it is Wed evening already. Easter Sunday coming up. Wonder how your area will spend that special day? Hey, maybe you'll be hunting Easter eggs somewhere! (Kidding) Have just gone thru all your photos again; interesting each time I do. Guess I'm having Easter dinner here, so am going searching for lamb tomorrow. Teri, Nick, Reid and Cindi will be here, will be good visiting. Colin, do people fish in Lake Konstanz? I didn't see fishing boats. LOL till next time, Grandma Pat
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