(PS - I went to the bridge that connects the two halves of Constance today, and it wasn't foggy, so you could see the Alps! I love Constance!)
Just kidding, this isn't from the tour, but it is my new phone. Pretty sweet, right? Plus I misspoke/mistyped: it only cost €50.
This is a monument to Count Zeppelin. I don't remember exactly (maybe because the entire tour was auf Deutsch), but maybe he was born here in Constance.
This is the Inselhotel. It's really pretty amazing for a hotel! It's an historical site. Inside there are all of these really old paintings that recount the history of the island all the way from the 100s when Constance was originally inhabited by the Alamanni (hence Fr. allemande, Sp. alemán) tribe (see below).
Our tour guide told us the Alamanni probably didn't live this well.
There was this one room that was entirely filled with images of martyrs being killed. I'm not sure what the room used to be used for back in the day, but now it's a dining hall. Guten Appetit!
riverside in Constance
Konstanzer Münster (Cathedral of Constance)
It was built in three separate stints in three separate eras (Romanesque, Gothic and something else… sorry, mom). It's one of many different churches here in Constance, but so far it's the only one I've visited. Chrissy went here last Sunday for mass.
inside the Münster
building near Münsterplatz
These things crack me up! In German they're called Seehasen, which would translate to something like "Sea Hare," except that already refers to something else in English (it's related to sea slugs). There are a bunch of things around town named Seehase this and Seehase that.
Well that's it for today. Bis bald!
Hey Colin,
Thanks for the photos - Konstanz really is a beautiful place! Please post some photos of your dorm and your room... (before it gets too messy!)
Warming up here - supposed to get to the 30's today and 40's tomorrow. Can't wait!
I agree w/your dad, Colin. Lets see some pix of your dorm which is "less dismal" now. At your Irish pubs you should try some Beamish, Kilkenny, Murphy's and of course some Guinniss. Konstanz sounds really fun, I hope you're having fun on your adventures!
I love the Seehasen! and the cathedral looks beautiful; the whole city looks beautiful. So nice to be right on a large lake like that.
How are your language classes?
Have you gotten ahold of Rolf or the Haase Familie yet?
Annaliese leaves in 3 days!
I can't wait to get my computer fixed. We'll do that Thursday after we drop her off at the International Airport, pretty exciting
love ya!
Hi Colin! Finally, I'm sitting here with Teri beside me, or I wouldn't have any connection, period!
Everyone is enjoying your blogs, thanks so much. We probably won't see pics of your room, by now, acc to Dad and Mom, it's too messy!
Lots of Love, Grandma Pat
Count Zeppelin hailed from Constance- I just looked it up- " Ferdinand Adolf August Heinrich von Zeppelin was born in the city of Constance on July 8, 1838. "
He also had ties to MN and the Civil War in the US ! "In 1863 Count Zeppelin took a leave of absence for several months in order to study military strategies in the American Civil War. He travelled to America and participated in the war on the side of the Northern Army. Together with two Russians and two Indians he later undertook an expedition to the springs of the Mississippi and took the opportunity to ascend in the balloon of Professor Steiner in St. Paul, Minnesota." So that balloon ride inspired Zeppelin (at least to some extent) to later (early 1900's) design the airships he was famous for! His song, "Stairway to Heaven" came much much later.
Hi - I'll try again to comment. I've been trying 3 times and do something wrong. Your dad is helping, but long distance. Your pictures are great. Grandpa would say you have the "eye" for pictures. I'm doing o.k. I think I will get out of the 4th chemo.
Love you, grandma Mary
Colin and Annaliese...
So Colin's in Germany writing great blog.
Finding his way everywhere. My head's in a fog!
Those magnificent buildings, university on a lake,
His photos are wonderful,good memories they'll make.
And Anna's off to Japan to see exotic places.
Much different culture, unfamiliar faces.
We're learning thru you, kids; go ahead and roam.
There'll be happy smiles when their folks say "They're home!"
So Colin's in Germany writing great blog; Finding his way everywhere. My head's in a fog.
Those magnificent bldgs, university on a lake. Photos are wonderful, good memories they'll make.
And Anna's off to Japan to see exotic places. Much different culture, unfamiliar faces.
We're learning thru you, kids; go ahead and roam. There'll be happy smiles when their folks say "They're home!"
Mom, I love your poem!
Hey Brother
Guess what?!
I am going to JAPAN tomorrow!
We will both be traveling the world at the same time.
Your pictures are looking extremely SWELL! :)
Dad put Skype on my computer, so we can talk if you'd like :)
Have a Wonderful TIme!
"You go, Mom!"
Now we also have POETRY to enjoy on this blog!
Colin, I'm addicted to your photos!
When I open up your blog, I just go back to the very beginning and stare at every picture, even the seehausen!
Your room is ALL YOURS, right? That is a big plus. Looks just right, you can sit right down and get to work.
San Diego was warned we would have a big storm starting Sat afternoon, all thru night and Sunday. So far we've had strong winds (not used to that) and some hard rain, short-lived. While I'm typing this eve (Sat) rain is pounding on these metal canopies; sure sounds unlike San Diego.
Okay, St Pat's Day is Monday the 17th. FYI Stick some GREEN on, Colin. And...more important, Monday is Karl's second surgery; prayers for him are in order.
Then Easter rushes around, much too early this year. Germany won't pay attention to St Pat's but might, a little, for Easter. Hard boil an egg and color it; it'll help you THINK in studying.
LOL Grandma Pat.
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