The Stokkelands have done some remodeling since the last time I was there.
Their house is gorgeous. And it's seriously hard to believe the view they have from it.
We went the Munch Museum, where they have "The Scream" (above) and "Madonna". Both of these paintings were stolen by very stupid thieves who nearly ruined them because they didn't know how to take care of the works. I lucked out, however, to have come during the brief stretch of time that the two pieces are back up on display before being taken down again in order to be further restored. I struggled to decide which photo from this museum to put up (I really like Munch); I ended up choosing "The Scream" simply because even if the name Edvard Munch didn't ring a bell, the image of the second most recognizable painting in the world (BNET) would.
We had a picnic in the Botanisk Hage in Oslo. (Look at Mira!)
Then we waltzed to the Viking Ship Museum ;)
This is the Oseberg Ship. It was buried in the ground around 800 CE and discovered near Tønsberg (Norway) in 1904. Imagine burying that massive thing. That was someone's funeral!
The Viking Ship Museum inspired Magnus to become a gansta.
Oslo harbor - I like the mixture of eras here: You have the fortress from around 1300 CE, some very modern looking ship (I own that one) in the foreground, and what looks like a pirate ship (but probably fishes for shrimp) to the right of that.
And, though I'm sure most of you didn't, we obviously watched the last soccer game in the EM 2008. Only one goal was scored, but it was by Spain, so unfortunately Germany's chant "So seh'n Siegler aus" doesn't end in "Deutschland!" this time.
But this does remind me of something I'd been wanting to post for a while now. Lukas Podolski plays for the German national team (although he was born in Poland). He's quite the player. For example, he scored both goals in Germany's first game - against Poland! (I think the Poles might think of him as a traitor.) Well anyway, I'm not writing about him because of his sweet Fußball skills. No, I'm writing about him because he has some amazing quotes.
Soccer is like chess, only without the dice. (Fußball ist wie Schach, nur ohne Würfel.)(Spiegel article in English)
There's only one possibility: victory, defeat, or draw. (Es gibt nur eine Möglichkeit: Sieg, Niederlage oder Unentschieden.)
So Germany's game against Spain?

sorry, Podolski…
But seriously, thank you, Stokkelands, for the wonderful five days in Norway!
Welcome home to Konstanz Colin! And what wonderful memories you will keep from Oslo.
It was fun to see photos of the whole family, including Eline, who was gone when you made your first post from the Stokkelands.
And Mira looks pretty comfortable in the photos!
Now you have two weeks of school (is that right?) with exams and papers.
And then Cody comes.
Will you do anything for 4th of July there?
love you!
Oh, PS: dad watched the final soccer game. We were sorry Germany lost.
But the one goal that was scored was awesome! I figured that you were certainly watching it too - can't imagine Bjorn missing it and it sounds like Magnus is also a real football fan!
Thanks again for all the photos - I really wish we could have been there with you - I really miss the Stokkelands!
Have a great ex-pat 4th of July!
Norway looks beautiful!
Perhaps that soccer guy should meet Miss North Carolina, (or wherever she was from). I don't remember her quotes exactly, but I think they would hit it off.
Nice pictures! I hope you enjoyed the Ship Museum as much as I did! I think the fortress in the pic of the boat houses the Resistance Museum. Did you get a chance to check it out? Can't wait to get over and visit ya!
Oh, P.S. Do you recognize the boat in the background of my picture?!?!?!
The Viking ship is neat, isn't it. Did you see the you see the outdoor museum with the Stave church and the other old buildings while you were on Bigdyve( I know that's not how you spell it, but that's the way it sounds) I think of it as an island, but I know it isn't. did you go across the harbor to get there, or by land? That harbor is great. We spent quite a lot of time there. Your trip certainly brings back the memories for me. Thanks.
Love, Graandma Mary
And I'm bringing up the rear again!
Thanks for all the great photos of Norway, the harbor, your hosts the Stokkelands and the cute little doggie Mira. She thinks she's a lap dog.
Now, Colin, when Cody is there, just where will the two of you go? You've used up all the places! Just kidding.
Best of luck in the exams; that might be a little foreign for you. Love, Gr Pat
RE: Edvard Munch. I have always been drawn to "The Scream". I have thought myself lucky to have my very own "Scream" on my kitchen cabinet. I'll send a photo email. You'll appreciate it I'm sure!
Sat July 5th 4 pm Hi Colin! Am I "first"? This was in our paper, pls read: "This week in science...
This wk in 1900 the first directed flight of a Zeppelin ws made above the Bodensee (Lake Constance)area Friedrichshafen, Germany. LZ-1 was the first rigid airship to use a large internal metal frame containing multiple cells of hydrogen gas balloons. Its overall shape was a long, uniform cylinder with rounded ends, 416 ft in length. Named after its inventor, Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin, it flew 18 min before tech difficulties cut short its debut flight." Love, Gr Pat
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