International Red Cross and Red Crescent (Croissant-Rouge - ha!) in Geneva
Geneva has one of the world's largest fountains (le Jet d'eau - that spout on the left side of the photo). They also have a giant soccer ball balloon flying over it in honor of Euro 2008.
Geneva was okay, but Montreux (a small city also on Lake Geneva) was spectacular. It's even prettier than Constance, and that comment's coming from someone with a massive bias toward the latter.
family minus Dad in Montreux
Montreux (it was in the 80s)
While in Montreux we took a boat to Château de Chillon, the castle about which Byron wrote his poem about François de Bonivard.
De Bonivard was imprisoned in the castle with this view to taunt him every day. He was the real life Tantalus.
another shot of Chillon Castle
and another, with Lake Geneva and the Alps as backdrop
Swans are all over this lake. At one place in Geneva (the space of about 6m2) I counted a dozen.
They're also friendly. (They thought my sister had food.)
Dad in front of Chillon Castle
Then we rode first class around the lake for 2 hrs. It was an extremely nice end to an extremely nice trip.
It was wonderful to see the family, and (at least I think) we had a wonderful time traveling this little slice of Europe together.
Hey Colin, it was WONDERFUL to see you, visit your little room in Konstanz, hike around Insel Mainau, take a quick drive over to Colmar, stay with the extremely hospitable Raiser/Egenberger clan in Augsburg, and then wrap it all up with that spectacular ferry ride around Lake Geneva.
We got home safely but tired, and with a million loads of laundry, mail to sort through, bills to pay, and all the lovely things that happen at the other end of glorious vacations.
Thanks for being such a great host.
we will miss you
love you
What gorgeous pictures of Monytreux (sp?) and I had never read the poem before. It was great.
I'm so glad you guys had that wonderfful time together.
Love, Grandma Mary
Heaven is right! A truly spectacular way to end an amazing vacation.
Now we're home and its 9pm and everyone else is already in bed - and I will be there soon!!!
We miss you! See you in 6 weeks!
It looks idyllic... the castle and the lake. Maybe there is a little resort that would have 4 cabins at an affordable price for reunions? Ha! Bet there is room for all of us at the castle...
Montreux is the site for the yearly jazz fest, no?
Looks beautiful! I bet some great family memories were made!
I am still amazed to see palm trees in the Alps!
I want to go on the fery ride!
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