Thursday, June 5, 2008

Vokuhila, or The Mullets of Europe

That's right, I'm dedicating this entire post to the mullet. I went into town today to get my hair cut, and in the period of just under three hours, I saw two things I'd never seen before in one day: an old man mullet and a small child mullet. For some reason it's come back to Europe. You may remember the mullet from back in the 80s, but in America it has become associated with the White Trash movement. "But why?" you ask. My response: Get your eyes checked before operating heavy machinery or taking that goofy kid up on their offer to grab dinner and a movie.

The German word for mullet is Vokuhila, which is a surprisingly Soviet-esque contraction of Vorne kurz, hinten lang (front short, back long), which led me to believe that the mullet may have originated in the Motherland.

So I looked it up, and indeed, the mullet "sprang fully-formed from the head of Rus" (Nestor, 1290).

altogether an attractive look

A Lady-Mullet is a rare speciment, but I'm vigilant.

You might not be able to tell, but this man has his mullet in a pony-tail.

Too young to be able to fight off his evil parents, this American child is forced to wear his hair like a savage European. Oh wait, that's me!

Alright, so maybe there'll be a serious post in the near future, or maybe it'll just be more junk from the mullet paparazzi. There's only one way to find out!

Side note - The German newspaper Die Bild recently ran a hilarious article making fun of a British guy for suing his travel agency due to there being "too many Germans" on his trip. For those of you who can read German, I'd highly recommend it. (Click here.)


Paul Halverson said...

Time for a new poem, maestro. Something like "an ode to the mullet"...
We'll be seeing you (and the european mullets) very soon.
Love ya,
Your evil parent...

Catherine said...

This was an interesting blog topic Colin! Loved the photos.
Your classes and homework must keep you very busy.

I struggled with the article about the Brit who had too many Germans on his vacation. Couldn't read all of it, but enough to be amused.

love you!

PS You were cute even with the mullet!

Unknown said...

Evil parents indeed.

Be sure to take some photos of all of you while they are there!!!

grandma mary said...

Good to see you are back and in good form. I had no idea that particular hair cut had a name. Shows how out of it I am.
It was so great to see you over the week end.
Much love, Grandma Mary

claudi said...

Ja, selbst als deutsche kann ich diese modeerscheinung nicht verstehen. ich probier schon ewig den freund meiner schwester davon zu überzeugen, dass ne vokuhila wirklich nicht gerade sexy aussieht...
hilft bisher leider nix ;-D
ja, schon wieder die claudi^^