One of them (which looked like a bird dropping) was unfortunately no longer there by the time I’d gotten my camera.
Speaking of bugs, in order to protect myself from being covered by mosquito bites during the night, I recently purchased this lovely silver net (Fliegengitter) to cover my window. (Apparently Sonnenbühl Ost doesn’t believe in window screens.) Well, it cost me €5,50 (or like a trillion US) and it sucks. It came with “tape” (Klebebände) to put it up, but it’s only one sided, and the other side is covered with these brail-like bumps that you’re supposed to press the mesh onto. Nonetheless the Gitter falls down more often than it stays up. So I duct-taped it to the sill, but it still falls down. Plus it looks like one of those metallic sheets they put up when the bad guys quarantined ET. That was a good purchase.
But anyway, to keep with the “daily life” theme of this post, let me tell you about the every-night excitement of the EM (European Soccer Championship, or Fußballeuropameisterschaft – yes, that’s one word). So there are one or two games a night, and most Europeans go crazy over them. People drive around honking and screaming and celebrating until 3 or 4 am basically every day. It’s awesome! The last game that Germany won, fans ran into the street and were draping passing cars in the German tricolor, sometimes not letting them pass until they’d called out every one of the German players’ names.
So apart from watching soccer, what have I been doing recently? Well, this Saturday a few of us went to Meersburg again.

We took the ferry there.

It’s much prettier in the summer.
Then yesterday a bunch of us Ostians went to the beach, laid out and swam.
And this Thursday I’m off to Oslo to see the Stokkelands and will head back to Constance on Monday.
Looks like it was a very beautiful day when you went to Meersburg!
I remember the soccer madness from the night Germany lost while we were in Konstanz. We'll have to find the photo Anna took of the police line across from the hotel so you can post it here... (A couple of the police persons were looking somewhat menacingly at Anna for photographing them - wonder if that is somehow illegal over there?)
Wishing that I was still in Konstanz,
Meersburg looks beautiful!
(That green moth is beautiful too!)
You're going to Oslo - NORWAY???? - this Thursday? I can't believe all the traveling you are doing! WOW!
Hey fun to get your description of the various bugs/insects in your WC shower.
And the lovely window screen (we saw it when we were there!)
An adventure in dorm living.
Meersburg looks beautiful and peaceful.
I can't wait to hear how the Stokkelands are doing.
Have a wonderful trip to Norway.
And by the way, how are classes???
love you!
Ironic, coming from MN, that mosquitos are a problem for you there. Are they as big and healthy as the mosquitos in MN? What would the equivalent be for "Sunny's Surplus" in Germany? Get you a bolt of net to make a canopy for your bed.
Goodness, you are getting a lifetime of travel in with this "classes" strategy! Oslo for the weekend?! Good for you Colin. How many countries have you been in now? Amazing, really.
Even your short excursions to Meersburg sound good to me.
I've heard of the fanaticism of the soccer fans in Europe. Wild to have that going on, too.
Keep posting! The daily life pretty fun stuff for you these days.
You do take great pictures. The one of the sail boat is super, or should I say sweet? I'm so envious of your going to Norway. Give my love to the Stokkelands. I'm picturing the view from their kitchen windows. I do wish I could see Eidfjord again. I know you won't have time to go there. I'll just dream about it. I know you'll have a great time.
Love, Grandma Mary
Here I am belated again. There are 5 comments on before this; last time I wrote late in evening, it never did get posted (Maybe I did it wrong?)
Anyway, Colin, your buggy shower sure reminded me of the facilities at the campground in Michigan, where Jack and I stayed every summer. Cement block bldgs, painted white so the bugs showed up very well, and there it was mostly spiders with a few mosquitoes thrown in...all over.
I'd better quit, I feel the end coming. Good traveling, Colin, Gr Pat
Hey, does this make me "first"? It is 2 pm on Tues and my Card Making gals just met for the last (sob) time until September. BC it was the last time, we all went to lunch at Troy's Greek cafe,had a lovely visit, all felt sad all over again, and went home alone.
Our horrible heat seems over, we now have soothing cool breezes and bright sunshine and standard SD weather.
Oslo isn't new to you, but I can see why you are going. The Stokkelands have visited you folks a few times before, and they'll be so pleased you made the effort to come there. Enjoy, and then check in at Konstanz U so they know you are still around! Just kidding, Love, Gr Pat
Hey Colin- just saw this:
an official US Embassy waring "US Embassy To Yanks: Be Wary of Soccer-Crazed Germans"
whoops- waring/warning
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