the Mediterranean
some fishers
It was here that we got applauded by a group of young boys, apparently for being from the same country as Batista, for whom they loudly proclaimed their love.
Sara and I waded into the Mediterranean - for a photo-op, not in order to escape the heat: Alexandria (or Alex, as it is called by the locals, I think) was only high 70s for the whole day. Right after this photo was taken, a little boy came up and shook my hand… and then asked for a dollar.
This is the Mosque of El-Mursi Abul Abbas. Sara had to go in a different building, because she's a girl, and they're not allowed in here (boys' club!). I also had to tip the guy I gave my shoes to. I'm pretty sure this is actually the first mosque I've ever been in.
And my favorite part was the LIBRARY (Bibliotheca Alexandrina)!!
It's amazing. The original was destroyed by the Romans in the last century BCE (we took a tour). The library we went into was built in 2003, was designed by the Norwegian architect Snøhette, and is amazing. Above is a statue of Ptolemy II (who built the original), and the facade of the modern building, which is engraved with words in over one hundred languages.
interesting sculpture inside the Bibliotheca
And this is the inside of the library proper.
And before I close: Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers!
Wow - it's really nice to wake up to a new set of adventures and photos! The library looks fascinating! That was such a huge loss to the world at that time when the original was burned!
Wow, these are incredible photos and memories.
I can't believe you are there.
What an amazing country, amazing history, so wonderful that you can explore it a bit.
Thanks very much for skyping me this morning for mother's day!
have a fantastic time at the Pyramids tomorrow and then Luxor, amazing.
Love you
Wow- just wow! Cairo, huh? Pretty incredible, Colin.
Keep posting!
So, did you give the little kid a dollar?
Aren't there HUGE remains of an ancient city buried beneath the sea just off the coast of Alexandria? I remember reading of massive pillars, maybe a library(?), and "lighthouse" or similar structure that all fell into the sea ages ago.
What a fascinating area to explore! I know I've said this before, but this is the part of your trip that I most envy!
I'm so jealous you went to the Library! I've always wanted to go there, it seems so fun! I was going to write my senior paper on something involving the Library before I became interested in Georgia (Cue dueling banjos music). I'll have to tell you my theory about the library when I get over there, yes I have a theory and I know what you're thinking! I want to see a picture of you holding a pyramid in your hand. Oooooo, how about one of you with a pyramid on your head! That'd be cool! I've got some sweet ideas!
Wonderful pictures again. The first thing you think of about Alexandria is the world famous library. so great you saw it. Now I'm eager for Luxor and the pyramids.
Love, Grandma Mary
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