1) Read - Thank you, massive, labyrinthine UoK library, for having an enormous English-language section! I found The Third Policeman at the U's library with ease (well, relative ease - it took me about an hour to find the physical book, but I found its listing in the catalog in mere seconds). I also checked out ("lieh aus") The Road by Cormac McCarthy, which looks interesting as well. I'm already about finished with Policeman.
2) Doodle - I brought crayons, pencils, markers and paints with to Germany. It's therapeutic, so my insurance should cover the airline's mulct for my luggage's weighing too much, right?
Still Life
Mater Dolorosa
*I forgot to mention, three paintings I submitted to St. Olaf's other magazine, The Quarry, were accepted for this year's edition (Sadko, Mona Lisa, and The Sudan).
3) Experiment with this foreign concept of "cooking" (in the sense that "cooking" is equivalent with "heating things that I also unwrap") - The waffles and whipped cream were a very wise purchase.
4) Hike - I think you might have already figured this one out from my last couple of posts ;)
near Mainau
5) And naturally schoolwork/homework/studying… NOT! But seriously, though, I do have a decent number of lecture hours a week.
So that's it, just a brief post.
And Anna, enjoy your grad party! Wish I could be there; they're loads of fun! Con-gradu-lations again :P
Ciao amici!
Unwrap and heat up. You should open a culinary institute!
It is wonderful that you have some spare time; it seems the academic workload there is not as heavy as in the good old USA.
And it sounds like you are making good use of the free time you have. You were always excellent at that!
How's the weather there?
It was really cool here today, about 65 for a high.
love you!
Yeah - wish you could be here too! You should see the yard - the grass I planted is finally coming in. I just planted 20 new perennials today. I washed and sealed the deck. I bought 30 new feeder goldfish to re-stock the pond and cleaned it all out... I'm tired!
You are living the life fantastic! I wish I could read and draw and hike and travel - and by the way - catch a couple of classes!!! You are building memories for a lifetime...
Hi Colin (and all you blog readers),
It is evening again, but I'm in the
proper day. So MUCH hiking you've done and a question comes to mind...
do you see any hitchhikers, anyone wanting rides? In Germany, Russia, Egypt, etc. I realize you hike mostly in scenic surroundings, but by your post today, with the road and the lovely tall trees right alongside, that put the question to mind. And the next part...do the drivers offer rides?
Catherine wrote 65 high for Minn temp today; we're about the same, Cath, I think we were 65 high today, Tues. Each day this wk it is supposed to gain a few degrees, and I like the sound of that.
Bet Paul and Catherine are even thinking of packing about now? What is Annaliese going to be doing while you're gone? She will be lonesome for sure. Out of room, GrP
I just LOVE 65-75 degree weather! It's my favorite!
What prompted the Good Friday theme? Mulling over the Mullahs you just left behind?
Pat, Annaliese is going with us to visit Colin... just 2 weeks now!
I think we should all be going with Cath & Paul. Lets see- we have some reunion money left...
Fun to see your artwork Colin. Cool it will be published. You are getting quite a portfolio of published work!
Anna- Congrats on the graduation! Wish I could be there for your party! Whooo hooo from Baltimore!
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