First we drove out to Memphis and saw this giant statue of Ramses II (the one who didn't get along with Moses, in case you forgot).
Then we went to a school where they learn how to make carpets.
And then we started with the amazing PYRAMIDS! This is the step pyramid at Saqqara, which was designed by Imhotep, whom you've probably heard of. This pyramid is also the first one ever built.
It was so ungodly hot, tho! Ahh! And there were these giant bursts of wind that chucked sand in your face every once in a while.
the Pyramids at Giza (and a tractor)
This photo cracks me up.
Then I went to take a photo of a camel (the first camel I've seen in Egypt), and this Egyptian guy started pushing me towards it, and he even wrapped his turban-deal around my head while I was trying to get on. In this photo I'm almost falling off and dying as the camel stands up.
Pyramids and the Sphinx
We went inside the pyramid on the right. It was extremely muggy, and we had to bend in half to squeeze down the tiny shaft to the burial chamber - BUT WE WERE INSIDE A PYRAMID!
and another photo of the pyramids
I took about 80 photos…
So today I saw the only remaining wonder of the world, and yesterday I saw the place where another wonder (the Lighthouse of Alexandria) used to be. I love my life.
Wonderful photos!!! I love it! I can't believe you are there!!!!
We are all so jealous of your life!!!
Mom and I were talking yesterday (at our awesome lunch) about how we hope to be able to see all these places someday ourselves...
I can't wait to see all your pictures. I loved the one of you on the camel!!! Did it spit at you? (I've heard that is what camels do...)
Keep the pictures and photos coming. Get some group pictures of all of you doing something corny and touristy.
doh! Keep the pictures and photos coming!?!?! I meant keep the pictures and stories coming!
Colin you better quit doing all these fun things before I get over there. I'm afraid you'll be all fun-ed out by the time I show up! That's right, fun-ed out, it's a word now because I said it is! Awesome pics, keep them coming!
I was excited all day today as I thought about you. I went to work and told colleagues, "My son is at the pyramids today." And everyone said, "Wow."
I had butterflies for you vicariously, like I used to get when you went to the first day of school.
But this was a bit more exciting I bet!
Thanks for keeping the blog up. I am glad you love your life.
I love it too!
It is amazing.
Can't wait to see the rest of your 80 photos.
love you
Wow! Am I ever green with envy! I recognized some of the pyramids from my reading. The photos are wonderful. Be careful of the camels. Was your guide Egyptian?
Keep up he great work. I'm really enjoying the trip.
Love, Grandma Mary
Incredible Colin.
You know, I keep expecting to see costumed characters- you know- Mickey Mouse and such, but I guess Disney thought that might take away from the atmosphere. Walt really knew what he was doing over there. Some of his best work, I think.
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