So after dodging our way across several massive streets, we made it across the Nile. It apparently isn't the nicest area of Cairo. Sara even walked over a shriveled-up dead dog! And then as we were walking to dinner, some guy starting shouting at Sara, "Hello pretty lady!" When she didn't respond, he threw a stick at her! And then for lunch, we paid for our food at a take-out place, but left, forgetting our sandwiches in the restaurant!
But yeah, the day was definitely wonderful overall, and the adventures were exciting! The people here are really friendly. Everyone was telling us "Welcome to Cairo," the police came up and greeted us, and the hostel staff is very helpful.
And now, photos! !صوري
This is the view from my room.
The first thing Sara and I did today was go to the Egyptian Museum. It was awesome! We saw Tutankhamen's funerary mask among many other awesome things, including mummified crocodiles, statues of the pharaohs, and sphinxes!
Cairo cityscape
And then we went to the Nile. We were intending on taking a boat ride, but decided to save it for later (we had had more than enough haggling for the day).
Oh, and a lot of you were wondering about weather. It's actually not bad. It's mid-80s for the highs and with the breeze along the river, it's probably closer to high-70s. Nonetheless, it's dry, and we need constant refreshments.
a photo of me on the Nile
Why wouldn't there be goats on the street?
Tomorrow we're going to Alexandria for the day! Expect a post then!
Goats on the street? Why not?
Okay, so you got to go to the Egyptian Museum. Wow! Sounds like an amazing adventure.
Have I said I am jealous before?
What are you eating?
Is Sarah in the same hostel?
That is great that everyone is so friendly there (well, except the stick throwing at Sarah; not too hospitable)
It is unfortunately still pretty cool here and once again overcast; more rain is probably on the way.
70s and 80s sounds wonderful.
We don't really have "spring" here yet.
Thanks for the blog; I really look forward to reading about your adventures.
Meanwhile, back to correcting papers!
love you
Sounds quite a bit different than your trip to Moscow - no babushkas yelling at you or police kicking you out of parks....
Looks like some pretty tight security at the museum entrance.
Our spring flowers are finally peeking out... I'll send a couple photos later. Still too wet to till and seed for the lawn in the back -- there is a large part that might not be where I want it for the grad party.
Are there a lot of boats or ships in the Nile? Have you seen any dhows? Is the area along the Nile nice? - with parks or beaches?
Have you been speaking Arabic very much? How's that going?
Do you hear the muezin's call for prayers? I've noticed several minarets in your photos.
Have you been to any bazaars? BTW, Byron is going to have a Farmer's Market this summer.
Have a great time in Alexandria tomorrow!
haha, usually throwing a stick at a girl is a great way to get her attention! :-)
I like the picture of the goats
Pretty much I can't get over the fact that you are in Egypt!! That's crazy COlin!!!!!kduhgadlkghj
-Principessa :-)
We are coming to see you soon!!!! yayyyy
Oh Colin, just saying "He's in Egypt" is kind of magical. I like the goats. Would not like seeing the dead dog. Hope the food is to your liking. Can you drink the water there? I saw all those soda cans; so maybe you can't. The Museum is prob worth another visit? Your photos continue to be VERY GOOD. Quite an unusual place, bldgs are so different they really stand out. We all are hanging on your every written word!
Much love, Gr Pat
I have to admit that I fell behind a couple of days during Mothers Day Week. I've been a bit busy. Normally, I usually check your blog every day. So keep on bloggin'!
Good to hear that you are finding friendly people in Egypt. I have heard from others that is not always the case. Keep an eye out for Sarah!
I'm interested in the food! I love the middle eastern food I have had! It's one of my favorite cuisines! If you like it too, maybe we can all go to Aladdin's next time you come to San Diego! Then you can let me know if it is anything near authentic!
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